Furnace VS Heat pump
Furnace VS Heat pump
Which Is Right For You
Furnace VS Heat Pump In every Winter season, most people are confused about whether they choose a Furnace or Heat Pump for heating purpose in their homes or offices. They both have the same function to provide heat in the winters and help to maintain the inner temperature of a home. In Mt Pleasant Charleston County, SC people are using Furnace and Heat Pump according to their likes and dislikes but here we will try to explain that Which is right for you?
The word Furnace is derived from 'Fornax' meaning Oven. It is a heat provider system used in the winter season. The working system of a furnace depends on the fuel source. You can use natural gas or oil in a furnace to heat your home. The Furnace can be used only for one purpose i.e to heat your home, it has no other function. The combustion chamber is an important component of a furnace, the fuel burns in a combustion chamber and produces hot air. The hot air then flows through the home with the help of a fan working in the furnace. The important components of a furnace are the following;
1. Burner that works with the help of fuel i.e. natural gas or oil
2. Heat Exchanger
3. Fan or blower
4. An exhaust
5. Furnace VS Heat Pump
According to the U.S. The Department of Energy the gas furnace is the most useful heating source in the winters.
Heat Pump:
A Heat pump does not need any fuel source i.e. natural gas or oil to work and heat your home. It works on electricity. If in your area the cost of electricity is low then a heat pump may be your right choice for heating purposes. The mechanism of the heat pump depends on its dual services i.e. Heating and Air Conditioner. The heat pump observes the cold air from home and consumes it for Air Conditioning purposes and then through warm air into the home.
1: Monthly Expenditures
The working system of Furnace is on fuel source i.e. natural gas or oil. If you have natural gas at your home then a furnace can be your right choice to heat your home. The heat pump works on electricity, in some areas of SC the rate of electricity is high and in some areas it's quite less so if in your area the rate of electricity is less than heat pump is affordable and has less monthly expenditures. It is usually seen that if people have natural gas in their homes then they prefer to use the furnace to heat their homes.
2: Installation Cost
It is the most important factor which everyone considers before buying a furnace or heat pump. The people always prefer that the installation cost should be low so they can do this work by remaining within their budget. The installation cost of the Heat Pump is less than the Furnace. If you are looking to install a furnace at your home then must consider that the installation cost of a Furnace will be more than a Heat Pump.
3: Maintenance
After the installation process, it should consider what will be the maintenance cost. The Furnace is made with fewer components as compared to a Heat Pump so the furnace has less complication or chances of an outbreak. This is the reason that Furnace repair cost is less than a Heat Pump. However, a heat pump has several components as it has dual functions i.e. heating and air conditioning. This is the reason that heat pumps have a high maintenance cost as compared to a furnace.
4: Energy Efficiency
Furnace VS Heat Pump furnace and heat pump has differences in energy efficiency. A heat pump transfers more than 250-300% energy than it consumes. Whereas A furnace can only transfer 90-100% energy as compared to its consumption. A heat pump is more efficient than a furnace.
A heat pump usually takes more time to heat your home. The working process of a heat pump is slow as compared to a furnace. Whereas a furnace due to fuel consumption and a burner takes very little time to heat the home. So if you are living in wild weather then a heat pump is a better option for you but if you are living in a freezing temperature then only a furnace can work in this temperature and will be your right choice in the winter.
6: Comfort
In winter, people only feel comfortable when the indoor temperature of a home is hot. This is the reason that people prefer to use Furnace as it takes very little time to heat the home as compared to a heat pump. A heat pump through warm air takes time to stabilize the indoor temperature of a home.
7: Lifespan
It is the most important element which every person considers before buying anything for home or his/her personal use. In winter, when you consider buying a furnace or heat pump you must think about which one has more lifespan? If you will properly maintain your furnace and consider the furnace repair then the lifespan of a furnace will be almost 20 years. Whereas, if you properly maintain your heat pump then its lifespan will be almost 15 years.
It is important that you must consider the temperature of the area where you are living. If you are living in an area of wild weather or a temperature of 30 or 40 C then a heat pump can be your best choice but if you are living in an area with freezing temperatures. For example, in Mt Pleasant, Charleston the average temperature is 13C here the furnace can be your best choice to heat your home.
You can also use the DUAL FUEL SYSTEM. In the DUAL FUEL SYSTEM, A furnace and heat pump both work and help to give your multiple functions and services. If you are living at a freezing temperature then you can use a furnace and if the temperature is normally not very cold then you can use a heat pump. Similarly, in winter you can use a heat pump as Air Conditioner. The DUAL FUEL SYSTEM is very expensive, so if you have a huge budget then you can consider it for your home.
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